

Steven Selph

  • Login: sselph
  • Registered on: 10/09/2014
  • Last connection: 10/09/2014


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



11:08 AM pfSense Bug #3921: max-packets option missing from pfctl
This seems to have corrected the syntax issues. There appears to be some performance issues now. I understand some pe... Steven Selph
09:41 AM pfSense Bug #3921: max-packets option missing from pfctl
This change seems to only address half the issue. The max-packets option still seems to be missing or is that somethi... Steven Selph


05:08 PM pfSense Bug #3921: max-packets option missing from pfctl
Attached my config.xml. The l7 portion results in the following /tmp/rules.debug line:
pass in log quick on $GUES...
Steven Selph
03:36 PM pfSense Bug #3921: max-packets option missing from pfctl
Sorry copy and paste issues meant to say
Rules are generated using "divert port (max-packets 8)"
Steven Selph
03:35 PM pfSense Bug #3921 (Resolved): max-packets option missing from pfctl
using "divert port (max-packets 8)"
This causes pf to throw a syntax error since divert and max-packets don't appe...
Steven Selph


10:35 PM pfSense Revision 3d77cc35: Add powerd normal mode flag (-n)
Steven Selph

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