

Kristof Provost

  • Login: kprovost
  • Registered on: 02/01/2021
  • Last connection: 02/17/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 2 92 94
Reported issues 3 3 6


Project Roles Registered on
pfSense Developer, Reporter 02/01/2021
Bootstrap Reporter 02/01/2021
pfSense Docs Developer, Reporter 02/01/2021
pfSense Plus Developer, Reporter 02/01/2021



04:50 PM pfSense Bug #16050: Update cpu-microcode-intel to version 20250211 for multiple CVE mitigations
I've pushed updates so sysutils/cpu-microcode-intel is now at the 2025-02-11 release and sysutils/cpu-microcode-amd i... Kristof Provost
03:03 PM pfSense Bug #16049: Update nginx to 1.26.3 for CVE-2025-23419
I've updated nginx on plus-RELENG_25_03 to 1.26.3.
I've not touched the plus-devel-main (ie 25.07-DEV) branch. That'...
Kristof Provost


09:53 AM pfSense Plus Regression #15928 (Ready To Test): OpenVPN DCO clients fail to reconect
That fix has been merged in, so this can be tested on the next build. Kristof Provost


03:53 PM pfSense Plus Regression #15928 (In Progress): OpenVPN DCO clients fail to reconect
Having poked it a bit more it looks like the problem is slightly different.
OpenVPN now closes the socket and opens ...
Kristof Provost
12:49 PM pfSense Plus Regression #15928: OpenVPN DCO clients fail to reconect
Initial observations:
We've updated from OpenVPN 2.6.8 to 2.6.12.
Secondly, the error message `Failed to set k...
Kristof Provost


08:34 PM pfSense Bug #15924 (In Progress): SCTP states not purged causing subsequent SCTP INIT to be blocked
Thanks. That makes sense. I've pushed that into FreeBSD and it'll turn up in our tree on the next upstream merge. Tha... Kristof Provost


09:18 AM pfSense Packages Regression #15887: Additional build options are missing
That'll be fixed with Kristof Provost


11:45 AM pfSense Bug #15708: The filterdns service won't start
I've reproduced this locally, and got this error message:
> filterdns: could not start host thread for www744.sigs...
Kristof Provost


07:48 AM pfSense Plus Bug #15693: Bug #13423 still present in 24.03-RELEASE version
The best way to confirm that this is indeed the same bug would be to gather `ifmcstat -i <ifname>` on the pfsense box... Kristof Provost


01:44 PM pfSense Bug #15684: Panic in ``tcp_m_copym`` with selective ACK enabled
I think I know what's happening here. I'm only 95% sure, but it matches all observations.
It's an issue that's kno...
Kristof Provost

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