

Chris W

  • Login: cwalsh
  • Registered on: 07/15/2021
  • Last connection: 12/19/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 2 2
Reported issues 5 27 32


Project Roles Registered on
pfSense Developer, Reporter, Netgate Developer 07/15/2021
Bootstrap Reporter 07/15/2021
pfSense Docs Developer, Reporter, Netgate Developer 07/15/2021
pfSense Packages Developer, Reporter 07/15/2021
pfSense Plus Developer, Reporter, Netgate Developer 07/15/2021



02:36 AM pfSense Plus Bug #15914: PHP Fatal error when creating queue for limiter
I'm not able to induce this on 24.11. I can add and remove queues and limiters as much as I'd expect.
Does this ha...
Chris W


04:06 PM pfSense Plus Bug #15903 (Not a Bug): After 24.03 -> 24.11 upgrade system goes into spontaneous reboots
There's nothing here or in the forum thread which indicates this is a universal software bug in 24.11 instead of some... Chris W


05:33 PM pfSense Bug #15751 (Resolved): Declining to reset the admin account via the console menu still prompts to change the password
When it asks @Proceed?@ and you press @n@, it proceeds anyway.
I see this on the Sept 28 dev build and 24.03, but ...
Chris W


03:47 PM pfSense Bug #15711 (Resolved): Special characters in the ACB configuration change description can cause PHP errors
As one example, it's possible to create a description with a @|@ at the end but then trying to reach the Restore page... Chris W


01:01 AM pfSense Packages Bug #15644 (New): "Snort is running on this interface" icon disappears
Services > Snort > Interfaces. The green circle with the checkmark changes to what's shown in the second image when m... Chris W


04:34 PM pfSense Plus Bug #15595: Frequent pftop core dumps
Seeing this on my 24.03 VM too. In my case it seems to always happen very shortly after logging in to the GUI. It doe... Chris W


12:22 AM pfSense Bug #15110: pfSense hangs when rebooting
#2694043009 A 4100 using a Transcend TS128GMTE452T, but doesn't show the same "can't unload" message. This instead lo... Chris W


05:52 PM pfSense Plus Bug #15566 (Resolved): Update Intel microcode pacakge
Current version on 24.03:... Chris W


01:14 AM pfSense Plus Bug #15196: AWS ena interfaces can become unstable/stop responding
A fresh deployment of 24.03 on a t3.small. HS# 2828658261. No unusual CPU load.... Chris W


05:11 PM pfSense Bug #15546: when trafic sphaper; delimiters are applied do not work in linux client over nat
What are you changing about the firewall rule which makes it work, and which pipe are you using (In or Out)? Pf doesn... Chris W

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