

Andrew McCann

  • Login: mccann25
  • Registered on: 07/18/2021
  • Last connection: 12/01/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 0 1



02:17 AM pfSense Regression #15631 (New): OpenVPN - ECC with Secp256k elliptic curve not working

Hi, I am with a VPN providor that uses ECC with Secp256k elliptic curve encryption, this used to work fine, but a...
Andrew McCann


07:50 PM pfSense Bug #12141: Lack of DNS or Internet connectivity causes GUI to be slow
Hi Jim
Apologies, I haven't had a chance to test yet, but just a FYI, by pfsense box is a home machine, nothing sp...
Andrew McCann


02:13 AM pfSense Bug #12141: Lack of DNS or Internet connectivity causes GUI to be slow
Kris Phillips wrote:
> If a device is being configured offline, if the device is unable to query DNS, the webConfigu...
Andrew McCann

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