

Luiz Souza

  • Login: loos
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  • Registered on: 07/20/2015
  • Last connection: 11/27/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 26 201 227
Reported issues 0 5 5


Project Roles Registered on
pfSense Manager 07/20/2015
Bootstrap Manager 08/18/2015
pfSense Docs Manager 08/09/2018
pfSense Packages Manager 01/13/2016
pfSense Plus Manager 01/29/2021



07:04 PM pfSense Plus Regression #15880 (Feedback): Upgrade available LED not set before branch is selected.
The cron job is now up to date and using the correct API to check for new releases, update the LED state an...
Luiz Souza
06:44 PM pfSense Revision b282c329: Pass the correct option for pfSense-upgrade to detect when a new version is available.
To be able to find new releases, pfSense-upgrade needs to look at all the
repositories and that is done with '-C'.
Luiz Souza
06:43 PM pfSense Revision 71f43603: Quote the shell variables as necessary.
No functional changes. Luiz Souza
05:36 PM pfSense Revision 6613449b: Remove the call to update_repos() in the pkg metadata update cronjob.
This is not necessary anymore as it is now handled by pfSense-upgrade. Luiz Souza


04:41 PM pfSense Revision 211adbf4: Fix the unexpected config reset when the password is changed in the CLI.
Update the config cache before rewrite it to catch up with any changes made
in the GUI.
Ticket: #17926
Luiz Souza


10:10 PM pfSense Revision 282d4a80: pfSense-Installer: Fix the issue when only the WAN settings are present.
During the configuration import, if only the WAN settings are present, remove
the LAN settings from the configuration...
Luiz Souza


03:37 PM pfSense Revision dcc4d84d: Only import the Netgate Installer settings when trigger_initial_wizard is set.
Remove the references to 'trigger_virt_setup' since it is not used on CE. Luiz Souza


02:18 PM pfSense Revision be54a703: pfSense-Installer: Import the network settings from the Netgate Installer.
Read a JSON file with the Netgate Installer settings on the first boot and set
up the LAN and WAN.
Ticket: #13129
Luiz Souza


07:54 PM pfSense Revision 1f024511: Save the product name on /etc/product_name at /etc/rc.banner.
This way we do not need to run PHP again on rc.initial to read the product name.
This file is only written if /etc i...
Luiz Souza
06:00 PM pfSense Revision 119b5342: Initialize the PHP settings a little bit earlier so PHP is ready for pfSense-upgrade.
Fixes #13726 in more detail (and for 22.05.1). Luiz Souza

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