

Reid Linnemann

  • Login: rlinnemann
  • Registered on: 02/16/2022
  • Last connection: 11/08/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 13 64 77
Reported issues 6 18 24


Project Roles Registered on
pfSense Developer 03/02/2022
Bootstrap Reporter 03/02/2022
pfSense Docs Developer 03/02/2022
pfSense Packages Developer 03/02/2022
pfSense Plus Developer 03/02/2022



06:07 PM pfSense Revision 837c16fb: Fix toggleNATrule() always returning 'enabled' for a single rule
When toggleNATrule() was modified to accept a list of NAT rules, the default
case for a single 'id' in the postdata w...
Reid Linnemann


12:20 AM pfSense Bug #15830 (Feedback): ``process_alias_urltable()`` can fail to create an archive of a URL table alias when RAM disks are enabled
Applied in changeset commit:11bafcfbb53885bbb4f8cd2300c28ab89cb81af2. Reid Linnemann
12:03 AM pfSense Bug #15830 (Resolved): ``process_alias_urltable()`` can fail to create an archive of a URL table alias when RAM disks are enabled
When processing an alias url table, if memory disks are being used the function will attempt to write a gzipped archi... Reid Linnemann
12:11 AM pfSense Revision 11bafcfb: process_alias_urltable(): create RAM_Disk_Store if needed. Fixes #15830
Several rcscripts using /cf/conf/RAM_Disk_Store will test and create this
directory if needed, however the process_al...
Reid Linnemann


05:08 PM pfSense Bug #15752 (Duplicate): Montly kernel panic
This is a known issue in both CE and 24.03, I've reclassified this as a duplicate and linked the parent task. The par... Reid Linnemann


07:54 PM pfSense Revision 9974d8f7: Add package hooks plugin_xmlrpc_send plugin_xmlrpc_recv, and plugin_xmlrpc_post_recv
Reid Linnemann


03:59 PM pfSense Revision 65db621a: Add defaults to config_get_path where needed in select files
Some calls to config_get_path may introduce errors if the key does not exist and
the default of null is returned. Thi...
Reid Linnemann
03:59 PM pfSense Revision 11b34dac: Correct config_get_path -> config_set_path in
Reid Linnemann


03:18 PM pfSense Revision 4eddd5ab: Correct default for 'system/acb' in write_config() to empty array instead of null
Reid Linnemann


09:18 PM pfSense Plus Feature #13227: Group-based Mobile IPsec Virtual Address Pool assignment via RADIUS
Tue Madsen wrote in #note-11:
> This a fabulous ♥️ Unfortunately I’m away for a couple of weeks right now, so I won’...
Reid Linnemann

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