

Chris S

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  • Registered on: 04/19/2022
  • Last connection: 05/30/2022


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12:15 PM pfSense Plus Bug #13074: AES-GCM with SafeXcel on Netgate 2100 causes MBUF overload
Marcos Mendoza wrote in #note-3:
> Note that the issue may not be specific to SafeXcel - e.g. it could happen with In...
Chris S


12:14 PM pfSense Plus Bug #13074: AES-GCM with SafeXcel on Netgate 2100 causes MBUF overload
Reverting to AES-CBC with SHA384 in P1 and P2 works perfectly, even with SafeXcel enabled. Only seems to apply to AES... Chris S
12:10 PM pfSense Plus Bug #13074 (New): AES-GCM with SafeXcel on Netgate 2100 causes MBUF overload
Running IPSec tunnels on a Netgate 2100 with AES-GCM and SafeXcel enabled seem to cause an MBUF overload requiring a ... Chris S

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