

Allistah F

  • Login: Allistah
  • Registered on: 04/25/2022
  • Last connection: 03/16/2023


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10:32 AM pfSense Todo #6727: Missing file apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png ?
I'm on v2.6.0 CE and I just got this error myself. Interesting. Seems like it would be an easy fix. Allistah F
01:32 AM pfSense Bug #5413: Incorrect Handling of Unbound Resolver [service restarts, cache loss, DNS service interruption]
Hi there, I just wanted to say thanks for all the time and work that is going into this fix. It's really a problem w... Allistah F


03:10 PM pfSense Bug #1819: DNS Resolver Not Registering DHCP Server Specified Domain Name
Jim Pingle wrote in #note-35:
> Fixing this issue is nowhere near as simple as that patch implies. The DHCP server c...
Allistah F
03:02 PM pfSense Bug #1819: DNS Resolver Not Registering DHCP Server Specified Domain Name
I just ran into this bug and couldn't figure out why this was happening. It's really unfortunate that this is still ... Allistah F

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