

Jeff Wischkaemper

  • Login: jwischka
  • Registered on: 03/04/2016
  • Last connection: 01/20/2021


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 3 5



03:34 PM pfSense Feature #11270: Consider integrating Nebula mesh VPN
Forgot to add the link...
Jeff Wischkaemper
03:34 PM pfSense Feature #11270 (New): Consider integrating Nebula mesh VPN
Slack's Nebula VPN is a very slick system that more-or-less uses Wireguard tunnels, but a sane and scaleable key/cert... Jeff Wischkaemper


07:23 AM pfSense Bug #8335: System hang with LACP downlink to UniFi switch
Mike Pastore wrote:
> Jeff Wischkaemper wrote:
> > I have an HP unmanaged switch on the LAN side of the network
> ...
Jeff Wischkaemper


02:07 PM pfSense Bug #8335: System hang with LACP downlink to UniFi switch
I'm experiencing similar symptoms (pfSense hanging frequently), though with different hardware. My configuration hang... Jeff Wischkaemper


08:29 AM pfSense Bug #7924 (Rejected): DHCP Server fails to start after updating to 2.4.0.r.20171009.1758
After upgrading to 2.4.0.r.20171009.1758, the DHCP server fails with the following error message:
Can't attach int...
Jeff Wischkaemper


09:03 AM pfSense Packages Todo #7055: Update OpenVPN Client Export package with OpenVPN 2.4
Jim - unknown if this is expected behavior, but the Client Export does not put compression settings in the client fil... Jeff Wischkaemper


08:27 AM pfSense Feature #7077: Display negotiated data encryption algorithm in OpenVPN connection status
The proposal to add the info to status 2 / 3 has been accepted, and may make it into OVPN 2.4.1. I'll update this whe... Jeff Wischkaemper


07:52 AM pfSense Feature #7077: Display negotiated data encryption algorithm in OpenVPN connection status
Their initial reply is that it's available if you use verbosity 4... which is correct, but not entirely useful. I'm a... Jeff Wischkaemper


07:14 PM pfSense Feature #7077: Display negotiated data encryption algorithm in OpenVPN connection status
I'll see what I can do and report back. Jeff Wischkaemper
06:45 PM pfSense Feature #7077: Display negotiated data encryption algorithm in OpenVPN connection status
Will do. Is there something specific I can ask for over there that would make it easier for you? Jeff Wischkaemper

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