

Dale Harron

  • Login: EDaleH
  • Registered on: 08/15/2022
  • Last connection: 12/21/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 4 3 7



11:10 AM pfSense Feature #15904: Built-in Captive Portal Support for RFC8910, DHCP option 114 in Kea.
Improved comments and removed test code from index.php Dec 17, 2024 Dale Harron
11:10 AM pfSense Plus Feature #15854: Lost Captive Portal User Logins when DHCP Leases are Cleared
Improved comments and removed test code from index.php Dec 17, 2024
Dale Harron


07:20 PM pfSense Plus Feature #15854: Lost Captive Portal User Logins when DHCP Leases are Cleared
This issue does not solely occur due to Clearing of Leases through the GUI, it also occurs through normal lease expir... Dale Harron


11:11 AM pfSense Plus Feature #15854: Lost Captive Portal User Logins when DHCP Leases are Cleared
In order to fully support the assumption that it is the MAC address that authorizes the device through the captive po... Dale Harron
12:53 AM pfSense Plus Feature #15854: Lost Captive Portal User Logins when DHCP Leases are Cleared
I see in the RFC8910-Dec10.php file that there is a stupid commenting error, you have to remove the /*... */ from lin... Dale Harron
11:10 AM pfSense Feature #15904: Built-in Captive Portal Support for RFC8910, DHCP option 114 in Kea.
In order to fully support the assumption that it is the MAC address that authorizes the device through the captive po... Dale Harron
12:55 AM pfSense Feature #15904: Built-in Captive Portal Support for RFC8910, DHCP option 114 in Kea.
I see in the index-Dec10.php file that there is a stupid commenting error, you have to remove the /*... */ from lines... Dale Harron


08:21 PM pfSense Plus Feature #15854: Lost Captive Portal User Logins when DHCP Leases are Cleared
See Redmine #15904 Built-in Captive Portal Support for RFC8910, DHCP option 114 in Kea.
Note: this is a Kea upgrad...
Dale Harron
10:39 AM pfSense Feature #15904: Built-in Captive Portal Support for RFC8910, DHCP option 114 in Kea.
Support for Kea requires handling the Reclamation and reassignment of IPs which has changed dramatically from that im... Dale Harron


10:58 PM pfSense Feature #15904 (New): Built-in Captive Portal Support for RFC8910, DHCP option 114 in Kea.
Add an option in Kea to automatically support RFC8910, DHCP Option 114 through a GUI option for all Captive Portals. ... Dale Harron

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