

Albert Albert

  • Login: beto0914
  • Registered on: 09/07/2016
  • Last connection: 09/08/2016


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Reported issues 0 2 2



12:09 AM pfSense Packages Bug #6777: squid cant redirect ssl website correctly to squidguard error page in a denied category
here is the same error reported in pfsense forum without a solution
Albert Albert


07:06 PM pfSense Packages Bug #6777 (Not a Bug): squid cant redirect ssl website correctly to squidguard error page in a denied category
h1. When you use "squid" with "squidguard" set in *"NO"* transparent mode, any category denied previously (squidguard... Albert Albert
01:38 AM pfSense Packages Bug #6774: al usar la categoria in-addr en squidguard bloquea cualquier web en https
Sorry for my english.
If I want to enable the next option in common acl, squidguard block all traffic from https
Albert Albert
01:31 AM pfSense Packages Bug #6774 (Rejected): al usar la categoria in-addr en squidguard bloquea cualquier web en https
al tener el proxy en modo transparente usando tanto pfsense 2.3.2 y 2.3.3, e inspeccionando trafico ssl, si se activa... Albert Albert

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