

Alexander Berkes

  • Login: n3bul4
  • Registered on: 01/13/2017
  • Last connection: 01/18/2020


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 3 3



04:45 PM pfSense Bug #5413: Incorrect Handling of Unbound Resolver [service restarts, cache loss, DNS service interruption]
[[]] Alexander Berkes
03:02 PM pfSense Bug #5413: Incorrect Handling of Unbound Resolver [service restarts, cache loss, DNS service interruption]
Renato Botelho wrote:
Alexander Berkes


06:17 PM pfSense Bug #5413: Incorrect Handling of Unbound Resolver [service restarts, cache loss, DNS service interruption]
Hi all,
I have been looking at this issue for the last few days, because I am affected by myself and would like th...
Alexander Berkes


06:20 PM pfSense Bug #8046 (Resolved): ntpd erroneously listens on all interfaces
Although I have selected only specific interfaces for ntpd to listen on, the service additionally listens to the wild... Alexander Berkes


10:48 AM pfSense Bug #7121: freshclam.conf advanced editing, configuring value of "Checks" has no effect on crontab entry
safebrowsing was never enabled in my setup. I also didn't investigate further. Alexander Berkes
10:27 AM pfSense Bug #7121: freshclam.conf advanced editing, configuring value of "Checks" has no effect on crontab entry
Thanks for the git link. That makes things more clear.
Sorry I couldn't remember the exact value of the crontab en...
Alexander Berkes
05:35 AM pfSense Bug #7121: freshclam.conf advanced editing, configuring value of "Checks" has no effect on crontab entry
Yeah you are right, I am talking about the squid package, but especially the freshclam component. Freshclam is execut... Alexander Berkes


08:47 PM pfSense Bug #7121 (Resolved): freshclam.conf advanced editing, configuring value of "Checks" has no effect on crontab entry
When configuring clamav advanced options, changing the value of "Checks" has no effect on the crontab entry of freshclam Alexander Berkes
08:31 PM pfSense Bug #7120 (Resolved): Wrong file permissions on /var/tmp and missing sticky bit when using /var as RAM disk
When pfsense (full install) is configured to use /var as RAM disk, the directory permissions of /var/tmp are set to 7... Alexander Berkes

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