

Terry Zink

  • Login: bezerker
  • Registered on: 10/24/2017
  • Last connection: 10/25/2017


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01:03 PM pfSense Bug #7969: md5 bgp sessions fail in 2.4.0
Worth noting I have been seeing all of this with openbgpd, so it would be strange if it was specific to routing daemons. Terry Zink


10:40 AM pfSense Bug #7969: md5 bgp sessions fail in 2.4.0
Downgraded my device back to 2.3.4 after taking the trip out to the DC. Working fine now. Definitely 2.4.x related. Terry Zink


11:04 AM pfSense Bug #7969: md5 bgp sessions fail in 2.4.0
Jim Pingle wrote:
> Terry Zink wrote:
> > Sure thing. Files attached (ip info scrubbed).
> Can you also get th...
Terry Zink
10:44 AM pfSense Bug #7969: md5 bgp sessions fail in 2.4.0
Sure thing. Files attached (ip info scrubbed).
Terry Zink


03:25 PM pfSense Bug #7969: md5 bgp sessions fail in 2.4.0
Currently seeing this same issue. Updated to 2.4.0 from 2.3.x and my AWS Direct Connect sessions broke. AWS Support ... Terry Zink

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