Bug #1000
closedlagg not working set to failover.
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I have been testing pfsense2.0 Beta4 11-07-2010 and the lagg interfaces with failover don't seem to be working. I am testing on vmware using em0 and em1 as lagg0 set to failover on the WAN. When I disconnet em0 taffice stops until em0 is reconnected. I have tried the same thing on the LAN lagg1 with em2 and em3 and got the same results.
On top of this when I tried to change the lagg0 to LACP from failover, the machine crashed (screen shot attached) Upon it's reboot it was giving me a interface mismatch and wanted to go throw the assignment of the interfaces again. It would not accpect the changes and kept saying interface mismatch applying the setting. Had to reload the whole OS.