Bug #11174
openIncorrect traffic shaping on pppoe interface
I am trying to set up shaping on pppoe WAN interface. Tried both 2.4.4-RELEASE-p1 and 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1 using VMWare Workstation 15.5.
For example, on 100 mbit pppoe WAN I am trying to apply 50 MBit limit:
altq on pppoe0 fairq qlimit 1000 bandwidth 50Mb queue { test }
queue test on pppoe0 bandwidth 50Mb priority 1 qlimit 1000 fairq ( default )
Which ends up WAN interface showing 50 Mbit during upload, LAN shows 25 Mbit, and actual data stream on receiver is 25 Mbit.
I have found similar bug report https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/8463 , but it was resolved by changing adapter to em.
I am already using em, and tried to change it to vmxnet3, but issue is still present.
I've also tried to disable vm.pmap.pti=0, but no success.
When I try the same shaping on non-pppoe interface then it works normally.
Attaching the file showing discrepancy between wan and lan speed during test upload (to server with 160 ms RTT).