Bug #11193
closedIPsec KeyID Not Working on Development Snapshots
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Configuring a tunnel with an ID type of KeyID fails to connect. In the secrets section of swanctl.conf, the ID is not specified with the type, which appears to be a problem similar to #9243. That affected the local/remote section, and it's OK there now, but the type is missing still in the secrets.
To me, I have a patch that corrects the problem.
Updated by Jim Pingle about 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 131b41fcc1f16037c752b26c6a1036c2d1c5c2de.
Updated by Alhusein Zawi about 4 years ago
Working as expected , "KeyID tag" as My identifier/ Peer identifier
<12> looking for peer configs matching[id33test]...[id22test]
<12> candidate "con100000", match: 20/20/3100 (me/other/ike)
<con100000|12> selected peer config 'con100000'
<con100000|12> authentication of 'id22test' with pre-shared key successful
<con100000|12> authentication of 'id33test' (myself) with pre-shared key
<con100000|12> successfully created shared key MAC
<con100000|12> IKE_SA con100000[12] established between[id33test]...[id22test]
<con100000|12> IKE_SA con100000[12] state change: CONNECTING => ESTABLISHED
Updated by Jim Pingle about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved