Bug #11401
closedUpgrade broken due to need to reinstall pkg
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Sometimes, without any good reason, pkg doesn't download itself when running `pkg upgrade -F` but then, when final `pkg upgrade` runs it decides it needs to reinstall itself. When it happens during boot in the middle of upgrade process, i breaks upgrade because there is no network configured to download it.
We need to change pfSense-upgrade to always download pkg just to be sure it will be available when it's needed.
Issue reported by Marcelo Gondim at Brazillian Telegram group
Updated by Renato Botelho almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Fixed by pfSense-upgrade 0.88 on 2.4.5 and 0.91 on 2.5.0/2.6.0
Updated by Jim Pingle almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved