Bug #12470
closedThermal Sensors Dashboard widget filter for negative values refers to invalid variable
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The Thermal Sensors widget has code to filter out any sysctl line that contains ' -', but is checking a $negsign variable that doesn't exist instead of the $v that contains the correct string to be checking
$dfout_filtered = array_filter($dfout, function($v) {
return strpos($negsign, ' -') === false;
This is fixed by pull request and has been tested to work on my install by manually changing this line (I have an ACPI thermal zone that reports a constant -273.1C that no longer shows up in the widget since the change)
Updated by Jim Pingle over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from thermal_sensors.widget.php: filter for negative values refers to invalid variable to Thermal Sensors Dashboard widget filter for negative values refers to invalid variable
- Category changed from Web Interface to Dashboard
- Status changed from New to Pull Request Review
- Target version set to 2.6.0
- Plus Target Version set to 22.01
- Release Notes deleted (
Updated by Viktor Gurov about 3 years ago
- Status changed from Pull Request Review to Feedback
Updated by Jim Pingle about 3 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved