



Bug #12781


DNS Resolver help text for **System Domain Local Zone Type** option refers users to ``unbound.conf(5)`` man page instead of pfSense docs

Added by alzee bum over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Viktor Gurov
DNS Resolver
Target version:
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The /services_unbound.php page refers you to unbound.conf(5) man page for the meaning of the options for "System Domain Local Zone Type" but pfSense removed all man pages and even the man(1) command long ago. The appropriate documentation should be copied to this web configurator page from the appropriate manual page.

Actions #1

Updated by Jim Pingle over 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from DNS Resolver refers you to manpage, but manpages do not exist on pfSense to DNS Resolver help text for **System Domain Local Zone Type** option refers users to ``unbound.conf(5)`` man page instead of pfSense docs
  • Target version set to 2.7.0
  • Plus Target Version set to 22.05

If you hit the help link on the page (The "(?)" icon in the breadcrumb bar) the items in question are documented in the pfSense online docs now (, so it's best to remove the man page reference and link to that instead.

That said, FreeBSD man pages are all available on the web via so there little need to host extra copies of them locally since the web copies are more recently up-to-date. We could change the link to point there, perhaps, but since it's documented in the pfSense docs now it makes more sense to link there. At the time the man page reference was added that content was not in the pfSense docs.

Actions #2

Updated by alzee bum over 2 years ago

Jim Pingle wrote in #note-1:

If you hit the help link on the page (The "(?)" icon in the breadcrumb bar) the items in question are documented in the pfSense online docs now (, so it's best to remove the man page reference and link to that instead.

That said, FreeBSD man pages are all available on the web via so there little need to host extra copies of them locally since the web copies are more recently up-to-date. We could change the link to point there, perhaps, but since it's documented in the pfSense docs now it makes more sense to link there. At the time the man page reference was added that content was not in the pfSense docs.

Thanks Jim,

I'm aware the man pages and other documentation bits are available online and was able to find the information before opening this issue. However when you're offline working on something, having the documentation offline with you is valuable. Maybe I'm the exception but it's not uncommon for me to find myself working in a situation where I have no cellular signal and there's not a computer with a web browser available. Running back and forth outside or up several flights of stairs to look things up is inconvenient at best.

Actions #3

Updated by Jim Pingle over 2 years ago

The larger debate over offline docs/man pages isn't relevant to this case, though. I believe there is already an open Redmine issue for that. In the past we didn't include such things because of space constraints but in most cases those are no longer a concern these days, though again that isn't relevant to this specific reference as it's a much larger architectural topic.

You can always grab a PDF or ePub copy of the docs (linked at the top of ) and keep it nearby on a tablet, phone, laptop, etc.

Actions #4

Updated by Jim Pingle over 2 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Documentation to Bug
  • Release Notes set to Default
Actions #5

Updated by Viktor Gurov over 2 years ago

  • Assignee set to Viktor Gurov
Actions #6

Updated by Jim Pingle over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Pull Request Review
Actions #7

Updated by Viktor Gurov over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Pull Request Review to Feedback


Actions #8

Updated by Danilo Zrenjanin over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

Tested on:

2.7.0-DEVELOPMENT (amd64)
built on Fri Feb 18 06:13:57 UTC 2022

It looks OK. I am marking this ticket resolved.


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