Bug #13131
closedMobile IPsec clients cannot be manually disconnected from IPsec status screen
The red "Disconnect P1" button in status ipsec overview doesn't seem to work anymore in pfsense 2.6.0 for mobile clients. The client is still using the same connection and the established time is continuing.
When the button is clicked the IPSec logs shows:
May 5 14:05:25 charon 10725 05[CFG] vici terminate IKE_SA 'con'
So I think it tries to delete a a connection for IKE_SA named "con", which hardly can be unique.
Updated by Jim Pingle almost 3 years ago
What specific type of mobile IPsec configuration is this? (e.g. IKEv1, xauth, IKEv2, EAP-TLS, EAP-MSCHAPv2, etc)
Updated by Lars Pedersen almost 3 years ago
It is clients (roadwarriors) using IKEv2 with PSKs
I added a snapshot more. My guess is some regex that returns con from the string "con-mobile #14077"
Updated by Danilo Zrenjanin over 2 years ago
2.7.0-DEVELOPMENT (amd64) built on Tue May 10 14:23:11 UTC 2022 FreeBSD 12.3-STABLE
Indeed the IKE_SA doesn't get disconnected upon clicking on the Disconnect P1 button. I am getting the same log as stated in the ticket description.
May 11 10:24:02 charon 80091 15[CFG] vici terminate IKE_SA 'con'
Updated by Jim Pingle over 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Jim Pingle
- Target version set to 2.7.0
- Plus Target Version set to 22.05
Updated by Jim Pingle over 2 years ago
- Subject changed from Disconnect P1 button not working in status IPSec overview to Mobile IPsec clients cannot be manually disconnected from IPsec status screen
I was able to replicate the problem and have a fix.
Updated by Jim Pingle over 2 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 6578d9501401287f72be543b159e2f6b19d5e736.
Updated by Danilo Zrenjanin over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
2.7.0-DEVELOPMENT (amd64) built on Thu May 19 06:14:05 UTC 2022 FreeBSD 12.3-STABLE
It works as expected. I am marking this ticket resolved.