Bug #131
closed"Static route filtering" doesn't add rules for routes on WAN
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The "Static route filtering" option (under System -> Advanced) doesn't account for packets entering and leaving the same interface when that interface goes to the default route.
While it's possible for a user to add a rule to pass in traffic on the WAN interface from the wan subnet to any statelessly, it's not possible to create a corresponding stateless outgoing rule (since the pass out rule is stateful and specifies on S/SA flags).
For our install, I modified the end of the filter_rules_generate() function with the following, although this codes doesn't handle certain situations (such as when the default route isn't present on the WAN interface, or multi-wan setups).
$ipfrules .= <<<EOD
- IMSpector
anchor "imspector"
- uPnPd
anchor "miniupnpd"
- default deny rules
block in $log quick all label "Default deny rule"
block out $log quick all label "Default deny rule"
if (isset($config['filter']['bypassstaticroutes'])) {
$wansa = gen_subnet($wancfg['ipaddr'], $wancfg['subnet']);
$wansn = $wancfg['subnet'];
$ipfrules .= "pass out quick on $wanif inet from $wansa/$wansn to any no state label \"pass traffic between local wan subnet and the default route\" \n";
$ipfrules .= <<<EOD
return $ipfrules;