



Bug #13444


zabbix_proxy : cannot open "/var/log/zabbix-proxy/zabbix_proxy.log": [13] Permission denied

Added by Steve Scotter over 2 years ago. Updated 10 months ago.

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I frequently come across this issue when trying to investigate why a Zabbix agent isn't communicating successfully with our Zabbix server.

When I navigate to https://pfsense-ip-address/status_logs_packages.php?pkg=Zabbix%20Proxy%205.0 I'm presented with the following (truncated) logs

Jul 15 03:09:00 queeg500 newsyslog[90148]: logfile turned over due to size>500K
zabbix_proxy [78631]: cannot open "/var/log/zabbix-proxy/zabbix_proxy.log": [13] Permission denied
zabbix_proxy [82116]: cannot open "/var/log/zabbix-proxy/zabbix_proxy.log": [13] Permission denied
*** Above lines repeated 50+ times ***
Jul 15 03:09:00 queeg500 newsyslog[90148]: logfile turned over due to size>500K

Logging appears to have stopped ~40 days ago.

Restarting the Zabbix proxy service (via https://pfsense-ip-address/status_services.php#) gets logging working again, however its a pain because I generally speaking I wanted to see the logs for the past to investigate the problem I'm dealing with at that specific time.

I suspect the issue is related to log rotation and file permissions based on the Permission denied error and that newsyslog is mentioned before and after the logging stops working.

Today, before I restart the service I checked who owned the log file...

[2.6.0-RELEASE][root@pfsense-ip-address]/root: ls -l /var/log/zabbix-proxy/
total 106
-rw-------  1 root  wheel     80 Jul 15 03:09 zabbix_proxy.log
-rw-------  1 root  wheel  29744 Jul 15 03:09 zabbix_proxy.log.0.bz2
-rw-------  1 root  wheel  33193 Jun  6 13:47 zabbix_proxy.log.1.bz2
-rw-------  1 root  wheel  34871 May  4 09:48 zabbix_proxy.log.2.bz2

After I restarted the service I checked again...

[2.6.0-RELEASE][root@fsense-ip-address]/root: ls -l /var/log/zabbix-proxy/
total 110
-rw-------  1 zabbix  zabbix   3218 Aug 25 13:42 zabbix_proxy.log
-rw-------  1 zabbix  zabbix  29744 Jul 15 03:09 zabbix_proxy.log.0.bz2
-rw-------  1 zabbix  zabbix  33193 Jun  6 13:47 zabbix_proxy.log.1.bz2
-rw-------  1 zabbix  zabbix  34871 May  4 09:48 zabbix_proxy.log.2.bz2

Investigating further I found the contents of `/var/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/zabbix_proxy.log.conf` does indeed set the owner to root

# Automatically generated for package Zabbix Proxy 5.0. Do not edit.
/var/log/zabbix-proxy/zabbix_proxy.log          root:wheel      600     7       500     *       JC

I'll try and remember to check tomorrow but I suspect the files will be owned by root again after the (presumably) daily log rotation occurs.

I haven't made any customizations to the pfsense box. The only other plugins installed are
  • open-vm-tools v10.1.0_5,1
  • openvpn-client-export v1.6_4
  • zabbix-agent5 v1.0.4_12
  • zabbix-proxy5 v1.0.4_12

I compared `/var/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/zabbix_ agentd .log.conf` with `/var/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/zabbix_ proxy .log.conf`, both set the owners to root

I then checked the ownership of the agent's log files, to my surprize they're owned by Zabbix. I have not restarted the Zabbix agent service today

ls -l /var/log/zabbix-agent/
total 5
-rw-rw-r--  1 zabbix  zabbix  11450 Aug 15 11:49 zabbix_agentd.log

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