Bug #15165
closedEarly boot hangs on pfSense CE
I use Hyperv-V under Windows 10 Pro, went I update to Pfsense 2.7.0 I start having the frezee issue that I have seen on the forum and I post the same issue under virtualization menu.
This continue with 2.7.1 and 2.7.2
I still don't see any answer on the forum, but let me show u something interesting.
Went pfsense start and I type 3 and get into the prompt.
I type efi-show and let command finish and type boot...pfsense won't freeze.
I have testing a lot of times and for me is working, is not a solution but maybe this could help u.
Related issues
Updated by Terry Barnes 12 months ago
I too have Hyper-V and have reoccurring boot hang issues.
Today, had a hang and went to boot, which froze. Turned-off/on the vm and chose option 3 to halt auto-boot and escape to the loader prompt. Waited 15 seconds, and then typed Quit to exit the loader prompt. It then booted immediately.
In the past I've done various command at the loader prompt and typed boot. If done too fast, still hangs.
I suspect the delay in booting is what actually fixes the issue. Possibly there is a delay with the hyper-v host making a hardware resources available or delay in the VM recognizing it.
To test this theory and try a fix, I added a 30 second delay to auto-boot. This is done by editing /boot/loader.conf.local (create it if it does not exist) to include the following line:
Updated by Peter Moreno 12 months ago
Make sense what u say.
I will try your steps, on which OS version are you running HyperV?
Updated by Peter Moreno 12 months ago
I have tested and works, I add just 20 seconds but is a value that we can adjust, but looks like we found the patch until we get a solution.
Hope this help pfsense team to troubleshoot the issue, another user on reddit report the error on vmware
Thanks buddy!!!
Updated by Marcos M 12 months ago
- Project changed from pfSense Plus to pfSense
- Subject changed from Pfsense 2.7.2CE Hyper-V Freezee Generation 2 ZFS Fix that is working for me. to Early boot hangs on pfSense CE
- Category changed from Operating System to Operating System
- Status changed from New to Needs Patch
The root issue here is a flaw in the FreeBSD boot loader that results in the trampoline page tables getting clobbered; pfSense Plus does not have this issue. Ideally this would be handled upstream, e.g. by using some reserved location for the page tables, and picked into CE.
Updated by Marcos M 12 months ago
- Related to Regression #14773: Unable to boot pfSense after installation on Proxmox VE 8.x added
Updated by Peter Moreno 12 months ago
Thanks for the update, but for people that use CE we need to figure the way to make work, we cannot wait for upstream, at least we can work now.