



Bug #15290


speedtest-cli returning 403 Forbidden

Added by Alex Rosenberg 10 months ago. Updated 10 months ago.

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The speedtest-cli tool is currently returning 403 Forbidden for all queries for me. When it does work, it is often limited to the 10 "closest" servers which seems to be randomly selected from all around the SF Bay Area instead of the actual closest 10. This is an artifact of how Comcast Business routes my traffic somewhat capriciously. Passing in the actual closest server, 1783 sometimes works and other times is refused because they don't think it's closest.

I just installed and find that it's producing better results plus has a pretty widget. Perhaps it would be better to move to this package?

Actions #1

Updated by Jim Pingle 10 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

I can't reproduce this on a current CE or Plus install. Probably a temporary upstream issue or something with your area/ISP. If there is an issue you'd need to report it upstream to whoever maintains the speedtest-cli software in general, not pfSense or FreeBSD.

That isn't a package we control in any way, we just make it available at the CLI for manual install. Speed tests from the firewall itself are not generally useful, so we discourage the practice. Adding a widget would be counterproductive.

Actions #2

Updated by Sergei Shablovsky 10 months ago

Jim Pingle wrote in #note-1:

Speed tests from the firewall itself are not generally useful, so we discourage the practice. Adding a widget would be counterproductive.

Totally not agree with You, Jim:
As You see on forum, each time newbies in pfSense using start with same set of questions and multiWAN and uplink speed measurements are first of them.

So FROM PRODUCT POINT of view better to make “just working out of the box” solution (widgets) both for OOKLA SPEEDTEST and PERF3 PUBLIC SERVERS.

Actions #3

Updated by Sergei Shablovsky 10 months ago

Alex Rosenberg wrote:

The speedtest-cli tool is currently returning 403 Forbidden for all queries for me. When it does work, it is often limited to the 10 "closest" servers which seems to be randomly selected from all around the SF Bay Area instead of the actual closest 10. This is an artifact of how Comcast Business routes my traffic somewhat capriciously. Passing in the actual closest server, 1783 sometimes works and other times is refused because they don't think it's closest.

There are several notes about:
1. The speedtest’s procedure of remote server selection are FAR FROM GOOD and sometimes give You not freaky fast server. Just keep this in mind;
2. speedtest-cli even from freshports are FOR FreeBSD-13.0, so pfSense 2.7.2-RELEASE not able to install it by “pkg”.

I just installed and find that it's producing better results plus has a pretty widget. Perhaps it would be better to move to this package?

How You install it on 2.7.2 ?


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