Bug #15625
openIPv6 prefix rotation by ISP causes complete service disruption
Whats the issue?
If my ISP hands out a new GUA, the WAN interface only gets an additional new SLAAC or DHCPv6 interface address.
The old address persists on the wan interface, but tagged deprecated. (So the kernel gets the message, but it ends there)
All tracked interfaces retain their old address/prefix. Which is then usually also unrouted by upstream. Furthermore RA still continues to announce the old prefix'es as valid, downstream. This leaves everything without internet connectivity resulting in a complete service disruption.
The pfsense GUI continues to display the deprecated IPv6 under interface status on the WAN interface, even if a new valid address is present on the interface itself.
The DynDNS updater also only reads the deprecated address, resulting in not updating dyn accounts on address change.
This is related to the previous mentioned point and shares a common culprit in https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/blob/devel/devel/php-pfSense-module/files/pfSense.c#L1862 (pfSense_get_interface_addresses)
What do I expext?
If a prefix change occurs pfSense shall * not continue display deprecated prefixes, but show only valid GUA instead if present (ususally the case) * update all related tracked interfaces and renew delegated prefixes * reload firewall rules in order for proposed patch https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/commit/3c0de6d7905a9f0e1c972a25177e7c642c83de0a.patch to work. I also have a similar patch for NPt and aliases still in mind. * make sure that related services react accordingly to fulfill their basic purpose
I guess prioritizing valid GUA's over deprecated ones in pfSense_get_interface_addresses should allready make a huge improvement.