Feature #1603
closedURL table aliases should be usable within network type aliases
It would be nice to be able to specify multiple URL table aliases within one network type alias. For instance I just setup a firewall that blocks a few countries using URL Table aliases, being able to add those to a "BlockedCountries" alias instead would make the ruleset a lot smaller. Input validation currently rejects this.
Updated by Evgeny Yurchenko over 13 years ago
Updated by Chris Buechler over 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Evgeny - this is ok but in the future please don't commit anything with a target 2.1 to 2.0.
Updated by Evgeny Yurchenko over 13 years ago
I am sorry, did not pay attention to target version, just felt that it was doable.
Updated by Ermal Luçi over 13 years ago
- Affected Version set to 2.0
This is probably broken in the case when the urltablealias contents change and pfSense reloads the alias but not its nested variant.
Also if there are too many entries it adds quite an overhead to the filter reload, possibly should add the other entries to the urltable alias file and make that persist?
Updated by Chris Buechler over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to New
- Target version changed from 2.1 to 2.0
This needs to be backed out and moved to target 2.1 for fixing, putting URL table aliases within network aliases results in a blank alias in the rules.
Updated by Ermal Luçi over 13 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.0 to 2.1
Reverted the changes.
Updated by Chris Buechler almost 13 years ago
- Target version deleted (
2.1) - Affected Version deleted (
Updated by Jim Pingle over 5 years ago
- Category changed from Rules / NAT to Aliases / Tables
Updated by Viktor Gurov over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved