Bug #1659
closedMissing input validation in rules gateway selection
Currently you can pick an IPv4 gateway for an IPv6 firewall rule, and an IPv6 gateway for an IPv4 firewall rule. Need input validation on firewall_rules_edit.php to ensure if a gateway is specified, it's of the same protocol. Also if a gateway pool is specified, it must contain gateways of the appropriate protocol for the rule.
Updated by Seth Mos over 13 years ago
Committed code in git that should fix most of this, shows only the correct address family when editing a pool or firewall rule. Validation for IP addresses in firewall rules edit that verifies the address family is there too.
Address family checks for gateways on initial save do not exist yet.
Updated by Seth Mos over 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Should be all set, there was a unset of the input errors halfway the input validation that must have broken a lot of validation.
Updated by Seth Mos almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Considering resolved