Feature #185
closedPPPoE server 'set radius me'
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it would be nice to have a possibility to set the radius me ip from the gui for the accounting also to diable the compression and encryption(pptp)
Updated by Jim Pingle almost 13 years ago
This seems to be half done on PPTP and the PPPoE server. There is a field for the NAS IP in both of those pages but I don't see that it's actually connected to anything in the backend code to put the value in mpd.conf
Updated by Chris Buechler about 9 years ago
- Subject changed from pptp/l2tp set radius me to PPPoE server 'set radius me'
- Category changed from Unknown to PPPoE Server
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to 2.3
fixed PPPoE server to actually use the NAS IP field. PPTP's dead.