Feature #2802
closedAdd Test button/feature to LDAP Authentication Servers settings
I'm currently debugging LDAP authentication for OpenVPN and doing so is quite convoluted; currently I went down to the shell to execute the OpenVPN connection script manually via
[2.0.2-RELEASE][root@pfsense.example.net]/root(30): env username=user common_name=user password=pass /var/etc/openvpn/server1.php
Warning: ldap_connect(): Could not create session handle: Bad parameter to an ldap routine in /etc/inc/auth.inc on line 1017
I'm still not sure if I have a firewall issue somewhere and thus no connection to the LDAP server for some reason or if something in the pfSense codebase fails. A feature in the LDAP Authentication Servers settings screen where I can type a username, password and hit "Test" and get a result which tells me if the LDAP setup works generally would help a lot.