Bug #291
Web interface deletes qlimit in traffic shaper
Added by David O about 15 years ago.
Updated about 15 years ago.
Traffic Shaper (ALTQ)
In the traffic shaper, the qlimit (max queue size in number of packets) needs to be adjusted from the default of 50 for higher bandwidth connections. The TS wizard correctly sets this (to 500), and when pfsense parses an XML config it correctly puts the parameter into the ALTQ config:
.queue qwandef ........ qlimit 500 hfsc ( default )
However, when you edit a queue with the web interface, it deletes the <qlimit> parameter from the XML config, and then altq goes back to using the default of 50.
NOTE: ideally, it would be great to just be able to set the qlimit parameter in the web interface.
- Status changed from New to Closed
We're not accepting bug tickets on the shaper for 1.2.x since 2.0's is a complete rewrite and we're not fixing anything on 1.2.x anymore. If you see the same/similar/other problems on 2.0, please open a new ticket with details.
Unless of course a patch magically hits this page then I will commit. Otherwise as cmb said, no resources will be put towards the traffic shaper in 1.2.* at this point. Sorry about that!
A fair approach. I haven't tested 2.0 yet, but will let you know if the qlimit parameter doesn't appear in the web interface when I do. I don't think I'll have the time to magically write a patch either.
For the archives, if anybody hits this and is still dealing with 1.2.X, here is the workaround:
- Configure your traffic shaper as desired using the web interface
- Go to backup/restore, and download the config for the traffic shaper only
- Manually edit the XML to insert the <qlimit>500</qlimit> into the config in the appropriate queues. e.g.
Where you put it is up to you and your specific config, but you'll likely need a qlimit parameter in any queue that is handling more than 30-50 mbit of data. Again, that is rough guess, and your specific hardware/software/config/etc. will be different.
- Go back to backup/restore, and upload the config for the traffic shaper only.
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