Feature #2969
closedAutomatic config.xml recovery / reinstallation
After dealing with the corruption bug in the 25th nightlies, I had to recover several pfSense instances by loading the live CD, mounting the drive, copying my config.xml into the RAM fs, and completing the install.
I was wondering whether it would be possible to make that an option for "recovery" on the Live CDs, rather than having "recovery" simply mount the drive to /tmp/hdrescue.
Im sure you already know this, but I was able to perform a recovery as follows:
1) rescue config.xml (mounts drive to /tmp/hdrescue)
2) copy /tmp/hdrescue/cf/conf/config.xml to /cf/conf/config.xml, and /conf/config.xml
3) delete /tmp/config.cache
4) reassign interface IPs manually from the menu
5) run option "99", use easy-install, unmount the partition, and reboot
This worked even when moving from 2.1 i386 to 2.0.3 x64, with no issues. It would make things a lot easier if this were a default option, and Im hoping it would be trivial to implement.