Bug #3110
closedapinger down messages
I have two PF with CARP. When I look at the system log in the master server I have seen some gateway down messages. I did check by ping program manually and it wrote ping results to a text file. I compered their results. Max result of the ping program is 58ms and apinger configuration parameter is 40 seconds but apinger logs shown as gateway was down. There is any down message at the slave server or any delay at the ping program on both servers. When it give this message that the slave server take over CARP ip states. So my network down for 15-20 seconds.
My /var/etc/apinger.conf:
alarm down "down" {
time 10s
alarm delay "delay" {
delay_low 200ms
delay_high 500ms
alarm loss "loss" {
percent_low 10
percent_high 20
alarm down "DEFAULTGWdown" {
time 40s
target "x.x.x.x" {
description "DEFAULTGW"
srcip "x.x.x.x"
alarms override "loss","delay","DEFAULTGWdown";
rrd file "/var/db/rrd/DEFAULTGW-quality.rrd"
Updated by Chris Buechler over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
no problems along these lines, this doesn't have a specific problem that we can do anything with.