Bug #3146
closedApinger still putting spaces after gateway names, leading to failing commands
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Using the latest apinger and check_reload_status (confirmed via re-compiling and checking sha256), watching apinger in debug mode during a failover it still is adding spaces to gateway names in some cases.
From the apinger log:
Aug 14 08:59:05 pfs21-1 apinger: Starting: /usr/local/sbin/pfSctl -c 'service reload dyndns WAN_DHCP ' -c 'service reload ipsecdns' -c 'service reload openvpn WAN_DHCP' -c 'filter reload'
And if I try to run that by hand:
# /usr/local/sbin/pfSctl -c 'service reload dyndns WAN_DHCP ' -c 'service reload ipsecdns' -c 'service reload openvpn WAN_DHCP' -c 'filter reload' ERROR: extra arguments passed. all <cr> dns <cr> ipsecdns <cr>
If I remove the space after the gateway name on the dyndns portion of the command, it works.
If it matters, this one was observed on an i386 VM.
Updated by Jim Pingle over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
After Ermal's last commits to the apinger patches this appears to be working OK again. Failover is working, the commands are running as expected.
Leaving in Feedback until it's in new snapshots to test.
Updated by Chris Buechler over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved