Bug #3200
closedIPv6 bugs
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The Board is alix2d13
uname -a FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p10 #0: Sun Sep 8 20:52:15 EDT 26
- vr2 v6 is not dhcp it has a dhcp running, but it didn't get that ip prefix through dhcp, not sure if that's what it means, .. but if this isn't a bug then there's a bug in the ipv4 cause it is also running an dhcp and it isn't showing
- pppoe0 has an IPv6 as you can see in ifconfig pppoe0, but it doesn't show this doesn't show in the web interface either, note screenshot attachment.
- Even though the ipv6 is there and routing is done through openbgpd, it doesn't seem to work the dhcp6c starts several times but something is wrong with it sh & php also open port 546 and keep crashing, cause they appear and disappear when doing sockstat -46lp546, .. killall dhcp6c and running /usr/local/sbin/dhcp6c -f -d -D -c /var/etc/dhcp6c_wan.conf -p /var/run/ pppoe0 makes it work, so why is it this doesn't work by it self why do i need to interfere.
WAN (wan) -> pppoe0 -> v4/PPPoE: LAN (lan) -> vr2 -> v4: 212.71.19.xx/28 v6/DHCP6: 2a02:578:xxxx::1/48
: ifconfig pppoe0 pppoe0: flags=88d1<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1492 inet6 fe80::20d:b9ff:fe2b:7f76%pppoe0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xb inet --> 213.219.132.xx netmask 0xffffffff inet6 2a02:578:8401:1500:20d:b9ff:fe2b:xxxx prefixlen 64 autoconf nd6 options=3<PERFORMNUD,ACCEPT_RTADV>