Bug #3540
closed100% CPU-Issue when IPv6 DHCP with stateless addresses is active
The process check_reload_status takes 100% CPU-Load
if the following conditions are given:
Pfsense Relase:
2.1-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Wed Sep 11 18:17:48 EDT 201
WAN is set to
IPv6 Configuration Type [DHCP]
and a
IPv6 DHCP-Server is active which is giving only stateless adresses.
With a high frequency pfsense is requesting dhcp.
We suspect that DHCPv6 is not handled properly;
e.g. replys are only accepted if the statfull-flag is set. The System seems
to reasks the statless dhcp Server with a high frequency forever, therefore
producing high cpu load (100%).
- Disable DHCPv6 or set a static address
Probably related issues:
+ https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/2555
(the issue is closed, but without finding a reason for the high cpu-load)
If you need additonal Information contact me.