Bug #3615
closed/etc/rc.d/*.sh start" is executed during bootup, but equivalent "stop" cmd is never issued during shutdown
Hi there. I apologize if this is issue has been entered in the wrong category.
There seems to be no feature to allow a user to run their rc scripts at shutdown. (non-packages). To gracefully stop a service and release it's resources back.
For example: I would like to use the 3rd method documented in this page, where an rc.d script is renamed with an ".sh" extension:
This seems to be processed by "/etc/rc.start_packages" - and will exec "/etc/rc.d/*.sh start" for each file found. However "/etc/rc.stop_packages" seems to have some issue. The code looks like it trys to do something similar. But the code isn't quite the same and it fails to run "/etc/rc.d/*.sh stop". Can we please fix this somehow ?
Other popular nanoBSD platforms (FreeNAS and NAS4Free) provide a GUI page where users can specify their own list of "POSTINIT" and "SHUTDOWN" scripts. It isn't hidden away or anything.
But if you guys could get pfSense to just auto-run "/etc/rc.d/*.sh stop" from your "/etc/rc.stop_packages" (in 2.2 onwards). Then that would work great for me.