Bug #378
closedsession timeout in user manager
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This is for the user manager (System -> User Manager -> Settings). The Session timeout message is not very specific. Is says "integer 1 or greater" but has a max of 999. I would like to ask that the maximum limit be put into the error message and also that the maximum is increased. 1 day (1440 minutes) would be sufficent for me but a higher limit may be good for other people. Also, you can put zero "0" as an option without an error. Optionally "Never" would be nice as I would only log into this from a trusted source.
Here is the current code:
72 if($_POST['session_timeout']) {
73 $timeout = intval($_POST['session_timeout']);
74 if ($timeout != "" && !is_numeric($timeout))
76 $input_errors[] = gettext("Session timeout must be an integer with value 1 or greater.");
78 if ($timeout < 1)
79 $input_errors[] = gettext("Session timeout must be an integer with value 1 or greater.");
81 if ($timeout > 999)
82 $input_errors[] = gettext("Session timeout must be an integer with value 1 or greater.");
83 }
Here is the code with the changes I described:
72 if($_POST['session_timeout']) {
73 $timeout = intval($_POST['session_timeout']);
74 if ($timeout != "" && !is_numeric($timeout))
76 $input_errors[] = gettext("Session timeout must be an integer with value 1 to 16384.");
78 if ($timeout < 1)
79 $input_errors[] = gettext("Session timeout must be an integer with value 1 to 16384.");
81 if ($timeout > 16384 || $timeout = 0)
82 $input_errors[] = gettext("Session timeout must be an integer with value 1 to 16384.");
83 }