



Feature #4262


Alphabetical listing of interfaces, VLANs

Added by Daniel Eckert over 9 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Needs Patch
Very Low
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Hi team,

If possible, I'd love to see interfaces and VLANs ordered alphabetically instead of by order of creation on the various menus/screens where they're shown (the top-level Interfaces drop-down menu, the Interfaces screen, the VLANs screen, the DHCP interface-selection list/drop-down, etc). As an example, I'm managing 50-100 VLANs on one of my routers right now, and it's a bear to find the interfaces/VLANs I'm looking for since they're all out of order (or more properly, they're listed in the order I created them over time).


Actions #1

Updated by Chris Buechler over 9 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to Very Low
  • Target version deleted (2.2)
  • Affected Version deleted (2.1.5)

they're listed in the order of their identifier. wan, lan, opt1, opt2, ...

This is one of those things where if you change the default, a lot of people are going to be screaming. maybe an option to sort them alphabetically

Actions #2

Updated by Daniel Eckert over 9 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply, Chris! Yes, an option would be great, even if it weren't a change to the default behavior. Looks like I'm seeing the names specified in the description field, rather than the underlying identifier you're talking about (I renamed all of the LAN/OPT interfaces to read the VLAN they're attached to (i.e. V1, V121, etc). Is there a way to change that underlying identifier to match the Description field?

Actions #3

Updated by Phillip Davis over 9 years ago

The underlying identifier strings "wan" "lan" "opt1" ... are used all over the place in the config to hook things together. So they are really internal keys into the interfaces array. There is no practical way to change that, and not really a need, since that "descr" field is the one displayed to the user on the GUI. So those internal names are quite hidden.
It should be no trouble to have options to sort stuff alphabetically, just a matter of someone doing it.

Actions #4

Updated by Chris Buechler over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Patch

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