Bug #431
closed[PATCH] Modify get_pkg_depends to return whole paths
The function sync_package from /etc/inc/pkg-utils.inc ensures that all required files from a particular package are present on system startup. The list of files a package depends on is compiled by get_pkg_depends which parses the xml configuration. Unfortunately the current implementation always looks for the dependency files in /usr/local/pkg and does not consider the optional prefix. Therefore a package containing dependency files with a non-standard prefix will always get reinstalled on each bootup. The attached logfiles illustrate this behaviour.
The attached patch fixes the functions sync_package and get_pkg_depends.
Updated by Scott Ullrich almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Commited, thanks! Please let us know if it is resolved on the next snapshot.
Updated by znerol znerol almost 15 years ago
Tested with pfSense-2.0-BETA1-20100317-2238.iso and tinydns pkg. It works, thanks.
Updated by Chris Buechler almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved