



Feature #4322


Add Google Domains DDNS

Added by Landon Wubbels about 10 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

Dynamic DNS
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Google domains ( has added DDNS services outlined here:

Adding this to the pfsense dynamic dns updater would be a welcome addition to anyone using / will use the service.

Actions #1

Updated by Chris Buechler about 10 years ago

it can be manually configured using the "custom" type currently

Actions #2

Updated by Landon Wubbels about 10 years ago

I'm aware, but it took a while to figure it out on my own. It would be much simpler to have a menu item of it's own. It's not a priority - just something that would be nice to have in a later release. If I knew programming, and was more familiar with GIT, I'd try doing it myself and submitting it.

Actions #3

Updated by Drew Kollasch almost 10 years ago explains exactly how to do it as well.

I second that it would be incredibly nice to have a 'Google Domains' dropdown in the list.

The biggest actual issue I can see when using 'custom' is that the hostname does NOT display on the 'Dynamic DNS' summary screen.

Actions #4

Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago

Adding a vote for this... have manually added it using Custom, but would like to get full status support (rather than just "good") which isn't possible with Custom DDNS entries. Their service is dyndns2 compliant so it should be a quick add.

Actions #5

Updated by Mathew Keith about 9 years ago

An issue I see with those instructions on custom dns entries is that it requires your google domains account credentials rather than the username/password generated for your dynamic dns. I'm in the process of getting this working so maybe I'm wrong..

Since this is the basic dyndns service - just hosted by google's dns servers instead of dyndns - it should be a really easy thing to add.
Here are the ddclient config parameters assuming it's the ddclient that doesn't already have google domains support:

I will happily test this in a beta version.

Actions #6

Updated by Mathew Keith about 9 years ago

Incorrect info. The API call does take the custom username/pw and not your account info.

Actions #7

Updated by Mathew Keith about 9 years ago

Looks like someone contributed some code for this feature already. How can I test this?

Actions #8

Updated by Anonymous about 9 years ago

I see Google Domains as a DDNS option in the latest 2.3 beta snapshot... I'm not in a position to try it at the moment though as I have it running on a VM, not as my main router/firewall (yet).

Actions #9

Updated by Chris Buechler about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Target version set to 2.3

this was added in 2.3.


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