Bug #435
closedThe command '/bin/pkill -f ''' returned exit code '1', the output was ''
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Ive come across the following in my logs
Mar 19 00:25:31 v2 php: : The command '/bin/pkill -f ''' returned exit code '1', the output was ''
and I have located that this error is generated by /etc/inc/ line 637, the line in question reads
mwexec("/bin/pkill -f '/[u]'");
I have tried removing the [] and it still results in an error, even removing the / dont help, sorry couldnt debug further :0)
Updated by Abdsalem Chaoui almost 15 years ago
I forgot to mention I am running: 2.0-BETA1 built on Thu Mar 18 14:21:12 EDT 2010 FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE
Updated by Abdsalem Chaoui almost 15 years ago
The fix hasnt worked, Ive also tried to run the command from console manually with no luck, adding the -f parameter seems to kill the script (from console), curiously enough doesnt show up when pgrep'ing
Updated by Chris Buechler over 14 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved