Bug #4384
closedmissing input validation in captive portal
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services_captiveportal.php is missing input validation that allows creating invalid configurations, including ones that can trigger crash reports like:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Auth_RADIUS_' not found in /usr/local/captiveportal/ on line 80
In that case, RADIUS auth is chosen, but "RADIUS protocol" beneath it left empty and unselected.
Where RADIUS auth is enabled, it must require entry of a RADIUS server IP or hostname for the primary authentication source, and a choice of RADIUS protocol.
Updated by Renato Botelho almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 10b92c5756c5d9aa4e183fa08fe8fe0ad2c12bd0.
Updated by Renato Botelho almost 10 years ago
Applied in changeset aa314146cac3382cc1c7fc28c93296f70e7c9682.