Bug #4604
openNTP time server entries may or may not work, depending upon interfaces selected when configuring NTP service
The attached PDF (NTP.pdf) shows the following:
- 2 time-server entries: time.apple.com and another pfSense box (in that order)
- select both WAN and LAN interface OR select neither interface:
+ other pfSense box is always status "Unreach/Pending"
+ time.apple.com works
- select only LAN interface:
+ other pfSense box works
+ time.apple.com is always status "Unreach/Pending"
- select only WAN interface:
+ other pfSense box is always status "Unreach/Pending"
+ time.apple.com works
I didn't capture the screenshots, but if you reverse the order of the 2 time-server entries, it also reverses the working vs. "Unreach/Pending" status, given the same interface selection(s).
I have a multi-LAN, multi-WAN config with only the LAN interfaces selected and a single time.apple.com time-server entry, and that works fine.
Another simple LAN/WAN box also has only the LAN interface selected and a single time.apple.com time-server entry, and that works fine -- but on that system, the LAN interface appears first in the list ... so the bug appears to be associated with the order of the selected entries in the interfaces list.
(In the attached file, the single-digit at to top of the screenshot associates configs with status/results)
Updated by Kris Phillips about 3 years ago
I'm not able to recreate this issue on the latest versions of pfSense Plus. I suspect similar on CE. Likely this bug can be closed out unless someone can reproduce this, but I was not able to recreate this situation using the steps provided.