Bug #507
closedsystem_routing_configure should not delete and re-add all routes
Currently system_routing_configure will blow away all routes and then re-add them. In environments with a lot of static routes, it can take a little time to re-add them. For example with about 50 routes, there will be about 2 seconds where routes are missing between them being deleted and added back. This causes a brief outage for anything that requires static routes when making changes in the web interface, and wiping out all the routes is unnecessary.
Possible solution, rather than deleting all routes, first check to see if the same route still exists, and if it does, don't delete it. i.e. only delete routes that are going to get deleted anyway.
Updated by Seth Mos over 14 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Confirmed fixed in snapshot 2010-05-16. Also reduced logic to be in line with existing code.