Bug #5105
closedsystem_usermanager.php - SSH Authorized Key field hidden when it contains data
By default the SSH authorized key data box is hidden with "[ ] Click to paste an authorized key" shown. If you check the box, the larger form field is displayed. If you enter some data and save, then edit the user again, it still shows "[ ] Click to paste an authorized key" even though when you check the box, the larger field appears and contains data. Perhaps another toggle issue?
The more I think about this, the more I question the need for having the field hidden at all. It doesn't add that much height to the page and it doesn't seem to be a field that confuses users and needs hidden. Thoughts?
The text next to the field should probably change "Paste" to "Enter" and also have "SSH" added to make it more clear. e.g. text on left "Authorized SSH Keys", label under the box "Enter authorized SSH keys for this user" or similar.