Bug #5334
closedunbound root.key file corruption can prevent unbound from starting
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Unbound's root.key can end up containing parts of another file in /var/ such as the circumstances in this thread:
leaving unbound failing to start.
Oct 16 08:23:54 unbound: [58658:0] fatal error: failed to setup modules Oct 16 08:23:54 unbound: [58658:0] error: module init for module validator failed Oct 16 08:23:54 unbound: [58658:0] error: validator: could not apply configuration settings. Oct 16 08:23:54 unbound: [58658:0] error: validator: error in trustanchors config Oct 16 08:23:54 unbound: [58658:0] error: error reading auto-trust-anchor-file: /var/unbound/root.key Oct 16 08:23:54 unbound: [58658:0] error: failed to read /root.key Oct 16 08:23:54 unbound: [58658:0] error: failed to load trust anchor from /root.key at line 1, skipping
The unbound-anchor command that's run during service startup to update or populate root.key fails if root.key contains invalid data (and exits with code 0 both when it has an error, and when it doesn't need to update...).