Bug #5386
closedRouter Advertisements changing interface goes to DHCPv6 Server tab
Have multiple interfaces with IPv6 static IP (e.g. LAN and OPT1)
Select Services->DHCPv6 Server/RA
The valid interfaces for IPv6 DHCP / RA are displayed as a row of tabs
The choices "DHCPv6 Server" and "Router Advertisements" are displayed as a row of tabs below that.
Select LAN and "Router Advertisements"
Now select "OPT1" on the top row of tabs.
The bottom selection switches to "DHCPv6 Server"
Select (OPT1) "Router Advertisements".
Now select "LAN" on the top row of tabs.
The bottom selection switches to "DHCPv6 Server"
If the user is viewing "Router Advertisements" it probably should stay on "Router Advertisements" when selecting different interfaces.
It can easily be fixed for 2.3
Updated by Phillip Davis over 9 years ago
Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Phillip Davis to Jim Pingle
Updated by Jim Pingle over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Looks good here. If I'm viewing RA and switch interfaces it stays on RA on the other interfaces. DHCPv6 goes to DHCPv6.