Bug #5464
closedUnbound DNS Resolver doesn't listen on IP aliases even when selected in settings
I am using pfSense 2.2.5, recently upgraded from 2.2.4. I recently flipped over to using "DNS Resolver" instead of using "DNS Forwarder," which my pfSense system had been using since its initial installation.
The pfSense install has a WAN network and two local networks, LAN and INTERNAL. The INTERNAL network has two IP aliases defined for it.
In DNS Resolver -> General Settings -> Network Interfaces I have LAN, INTERNAL, Localhost, and the two IP aliases selected; All and WAN are unselected. In "Outgoing Network Interfaces" I have All selected.
Unfortunately, with this configuration, unbound does not listen on the IP aliases: it only listens on the primary IP addresses of LAN, INTERNAL, and localhost. This is incorrect. Unbound should listen on the interfaces selected in the GUI.