Todo #5789
Convert Form_Select option names to gettext translated strings
Unless we have a better idea, certain Form_Select arguments will need to have gettext applied before being passed to the class. This is to facilitate "static" string extraction with xgettext
'Shirt color',
array('red' => 'Scarlet', 'blue' => 'Sky Blue')
will need to become:
'Shirt color',
array('red' => gettext('Scarlet'), 'blue' => gettext('Sky Blue'))
Updated by Phillip Davis about 9 years ago
I am currently going through the code for places in general that are missing gettext() - so I am happy to make the updates for this as I go.
I guess you already have a way for xgettext to understand that 'Shirt color' is a string that needs translation.
Updated by Anonymous about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Feedback
- % Done changed from 40 to 100
- Affected Architecture All added
- Affected Architecture deleted (
All files updated and tested where appropriate
Updated by Anonymous about 9 years ago
Applied in changeset b50d30c3a6d29b02cc7f4fe66f3a16bc7a4ea1a6.
Updated by Anonymous about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Assignee deleted (