Bug #5965
closedIcon inconsistencies
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There are a few icon usage inconsistencies around the GUI in 2.3 that need cleanup:
- fa-hand-paper-o used when it is identical to fa-hand-stop-o used in other places in the GUI, need to pick one (probably stop-o)
- fa-times-circle-o used for static DHCP leases (v4 and v6), which seems wrong, fa-user is a better fit
- fa-arrow-left and fa-arrow-right used for status indication when up and down are used elsewhere and fit better
- fa-arrow-left and fa-arrow-right used for login and logout in VPN logs instead of fa-sign-in and fa-sign-out
- fa-chevron-up and fa-chevron-down used for status indication when arrow-up and arrow-down are used elsewhere
- Wireless status using fa-undo when it should be using fa-refresh
- CRL Manager not using icons at all when it should be using them for export/edit/delete, and using the wrong icon for delete (fa-times, not fa-trash)
- WOL widget using fa-bed when other pages use fa-power-off for WOL action
There may be more but these are the ones that jumped out at me during a brief review of icon usage.
I have fixes for all of these pending.